20. 12. 2021 Communication tips

Booking by Benefit Plus

Finding, booking and paying for accommodation with benefits has never been easier! Our portfolio has expanded significantly, and we have boldly changed our name from Accommodation Online to Booking by Benefit Plus. Take a look at the campaign introducing the change.

Despite the odds, Booking by Benefit Plus has become very popular in less than 2 years, with hundreds and thousands of bookings per month. We launched a campaign introducing our new name and wide accommodation options.

Would you like to bring something new to the discussion on benefits in your company? Would you like to spend your benefit points on genuine relaxation? Go to Benefit Plus Market and select the communication format that suits your needs best. Download it and let the people see it for themselves.

Do you need to promote another project? Browse our Benefit Plus Market, where you can find dozens of ready-made information materials.

Download the Booking by Benefit Plus campaign