1. 2. 2022 Benefit Plus events

Photo Hunting Contest

In January 2022, five beautiful trams in the Benefit Plus colors hit the streets of Prague. Three of them cruised through Prague and two trams could be seen in Brno. Our users could enjoy beautiful artwork, but a contest as well.

The conditions were simple. They had to “catch” two types of trams, take a picture of them and send them to our email. And what was the reward? A 500 CZK voucher to SkvěléČ

Skvělé Česko offers thousands of experiences across the Czech Republic at lower prices. You can make a reservation and pay online with the Benefit Plus card. Just a few minutes and you’re done, from everyday sports to unusual activities.

Even though the event was only local and it was quite adventurous to hunt for two types of trams, 28 people took part in the contest and can enjoy their winnings to the max.