

  • What are Salary Swap and Bonus Swap? What are their benefits?

    Salary Swap and Bonus Swap allow to convert parts of gross wages or bonuses into wages in kind, and to draw them through the cafeteria, including all advantages for the employee. There are savings on both the employee's and the employer's end.

  • How does it work in terms of the law?

    According to Section 119 of the Labor Code, flexible use of the cafeteria is only possible with the employee’s consent to the provision of wages partly in a non-monetary form. Flexible use of cafeteria is only possible after the conclusion of the Agreement on the Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Wages in Kind.

  • What does the implementation involve?

    It is always necessary to create a draft of an agreement and internal employer regulation covering the provision of wages in kind, as well as the terms of flexible use of the cafeteria. It is also important that all employees of the company get familiar with them.

    Regardless of the terms laid down in the Agreement on the Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Wages in Kind and the internal regulation, the guaranteed minimum wage will always be paid in monetary form.

  • Is there a fee for this service?

    Yes, there is a fee. Our renowned tax specialist can help you with everything and you can be sure that all processes and procedures will be configured correctly. Are you interested in introducing a Salary Swap / Bonus Swap? Don’t hesitate and contact us.